Terms & Conditions
The Following Applies to Higher Self Quantum Healing Bookings
1. If a convenient time/date slot is unavailable or you require further assistance on payment, please contact me at anj@higherselfvibe.com

2. Full payment for your session is required to secure your booking. 

3. Once you book the session and it has been confirmed, you will get further correspondence and information from me, including how to best prepare.
4. Payment for the session is non-refundable. However, if you need to reschedule, you may do so prior to the session. Your payment will be applied to your new session date.  Please email me at your earliest convenience should you need to reschedule.
5. Please note that rescheduling is subject to availability, and therefore, you may need to wait longer for an appointment. 
6. If you anticipate being late but can still attend the session, please notify me via email at anj@higherselfvibe.com as soon as possible to inform me of your delay and/or reschedule.
7. Should I need to cancel in case of an emergency less than 72 hours in advance of our session, I will prioritise you on the waitlist for your next available appointment and offer a 20% discount on the rescheduled booking.
Thank you for choosing me as your healing guide and to experience the transformative power of my intuitive gift in guiding you towards self discovery, healing and empowerment.
I look forward to connecting with you.
Much love Anjna 
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